
PS3 - Sleeping Dogs

After the busy time, the PS3 can turn on again.  The role is an undercover perform mission.  This is a GTA's style game, and it was fun with the Hong Kong as background.  Also, player can hear many foul language in Cantonese.  This is really homely to Hong Kong people. 

The game use Hong Kong Island as the main area, which the area line from North Point to Central.  Actuality, the MTR line with 7 stations, but the game condensed into 3 landmarks, they are Central, Kennedy, North Point.  Some comments from the internet said that some buildings should not located at the Central.  In fact, players should understood that is just for the game design rather than present real Hong Kong.  I believe that the developer doesn't ignorance, because GOOGLE map has clearly record.

The other point is used Cantonese to show the foul language.  It's very close to the real culture, only small amount of foul language is not real.  The scene able to sincere expression of the visual culture of Hong Kong.  Although somethings were different with real, such as flow of people, buildings of location, and the width of road and footpath, everything is satisfy the game could more playable. Overall, this game is full of sincere.  

The point as above, Hong Kong players are no reason to avoid to play. At the same time, the foreign players can enjoy the charm about the Hong Kong cultural.

Obviously, the game structure is same as GTA modules.  People use this for compare is hard to avoid.  I think there are a lot of points better than GTA:

> With Kung Fu elements and gun shooting mode, content with aciton movie feeling
> FREE FUN elements as chasing action
> Excellent chasing scenes in riding mode
> Vehicles are easy to control
> The vehicle control less feeling of floating, which is possible to finish a route with no crash.
> Difficulty level is reasonable, there is not easily attracted police to incur trouble 
   (GTA police too sensitive)
> Various locations has a dedicated parking, no trouble for finding the cars
> The screen resolution is higher, the picture does not delay the process
> Little BUGS
> Collection will be prompted when level rise, players are no need to find guide book

My experience in GTA, those driving too much times being bored.  Also, there are hard to find your favorite cars, but the games always force to use cars for game process, and easy to get crash to meet trouble.   At the middle part of the game, I have to call taxi frequency.  Sometimes, players are hard to find a taxi that you may feel tortured.  Sleeping Dogs has already improve the problems as previous mentions.  Players can enjoy to drive the favorite cars.  The Kung Fu style content with popular elements of mixed martial arts.  Players are feeling themselves seem a male actor in the story.   The game only 1 result at the end.  Although, most of games always provide different line story at the end, the game length too long may not a good point.  Players have more times to enjoy other game should be better, because there are too much good games for nowadays.  So, a game length not long is the good point in my opinion. 

The fiction dialogue of length is moderate, not too long to incur dull.  Is the Japanese has already to accept American gaming culture?  This game is issued by the company of the Final Fantasy series (SQUARE ENIX).  From the games news, this game was developed by other company and died in the womb.  Afterwards, the Japanese company acquired it and launched.  This game is a very valuable database of Hong Kong, which can be further expanded.  I hope the sequel will be launch.


PS3 games has always been more expensive than the XBOX.  The inside of the book from XBOX game being using black-and-white printing early.  Seem the PS3 games also follow.  In my point of view, the manual is non-use.  I think all of the game information located at the network should more convenient and environmentally.  That's suggest no manual inside the package also okay, which may help the game price be cheaper.

This minibus really likeness as the real. Hang Hau (坑口) is the real area at Hong Kong of Tseung Kwan O, but there is not noted Hang Hau Village (坑口村).  Most of the bus noted the destination is Tai Po (大埔), that also is real.  Some of street signs noted Finance Bank (財經銀行) that is the real name as Hang Seng Bank in Hong Kong.  Some of the place at old districts seem like Taichung rather than Hong Kong. 

Inside of the indirect quests is hack the closed-circuit television on the street.  One at the Kenndy area is quite hard to hack, because most of the enemies with gun and can't drive a car to crash them, while the policemen will join and appear at your back side when the war started.  Here the solution is drive a bus to clog the posterior.

You can free to use golden hand gun when you beat the game.  You may want to challenge the strength of the polices.  The polices are not the lightweight whose are fast reaction.  If players can kill more than 4 policemen, then the special forces will join.  The apartment at Central is the right place for kill polices non-stop

Before start  challenge action, drive two double-decker bus block the both side at the door.  Then, use the third bus to block half of the only exit way.  It guide to the policemen go inside 1 by 1.  However, if you stand the side like the above picture, the polices will keep stand outside and their bullet can through the bus make hurt to you.

At that time, just jump behind the sofa and turn the gun  point to the door.  Then, the stupid cops will get in 1 by 1

Sometimes, this action may fail because of passing cars get crash hard to the bus when the war started.  So, the bus may block fully to your door.  On the other hand, you are not alert to the police when just shot at the passing cars.  They meet traffic jam will just stop, but you shot the wheels for the tires burst.  It will make them escape busy and the driving will run faster than normal.  This scene is very hilarious.

You must know what is Shenmue2 if you ever played Dreamcast.  This game also use Hong Kong as the scene and use Kung Fu as the main object.  But the protagonist is japanses with using Ba Kick Keung (八極拳).  There is no such move in real life.     

Shenmue2(Hong Kong background)

Whatever there is intentional or coincidence, players can found the similar jacket in the game.  In the network, someone make a joke to segment a chip shot at: 

Shenmue 2 also with the freedom fighting mode, but also contain the older instructions attack mode, you can see this film took its style into Sleeping Dogs are quite hilarious.

You can view the films as below, if you never play Shenmue 2.

Shenume 3 is stopped to develop because out of budget.  It make the story never end and most players cannot stop to look forward the 3 episode.  In fact, today's the Sleeping Dogs has more freedom style, more fun, more realistic story.  Shenmue seem to be out of date at the today's popular culture.  I think most of things need to be modified by the first episode.  May be reproduce whole of the series is better.  I think the Japanese culture of popularity dose not hot at this generation.  At least, I will not interest to play when the game fully with Japanese. 

Overall, These masterpiece not to be missed!

Tradition Chinese / English )

★ As above the original article is tradition Chinese version translated from Google. You are welcome to point out the mistakes in English writing. Thank you!


PC-ENGINE: Bubblegum Crash! - Knight Sabers 2034 (Walkthrough)

Bubblegum Crash! - Knight Sabers 2034

This is a long history for the players. PC-ENGINE was a noble toy in Hong Kong at 90s. This type of AVG game is rare to find it in PCE, because most of animation story usually launched in CD-ROM version. But this game is run in HU-CARD.

At the old time, most of players force to read japanese. Players must able to made the story process if keep press the buttons. However, I think many players being crashed at the last maze. The reasons are don't understand the japanese, others is the maze quite difficult to confirm the right way, even use pen with paper that still doesn't help.

ENGLISH Version:
PCE seem very popular in UK. Some fans has made the English version. You can easy to find it in Google by the searching named "Bubblegum Crash! - Knight Sabers 2034 (English)." Then, use Magic Engine + crack run with it.

Players can understand the story in this version. You may find the dialogue are quite simple. The game released in 90s, there the story has already talking about cybercrime. 

Just keep press the buttons, the story must process. If you want faster, you can read the link as below:
As above, there are the guide in order of the right dialogue to help for game process, but there do not record the picture for the last maze. 

Last chapter: MAZE:
Luckily, I tried to used japanese to found relating information. The clear picture as below. Players just follow it, which must able to beat this game. 

Bubblegum Crash Last Dungeon

☆ スタート地点
★ ボス
ス エレベーターのスイッチ
モ モニタリングルーム
研 研究室
倉 倉庫

□     □   □   □   □        □
□     □   □   □   □        □
□  ↑  □   □   □   □研       □倉
□□□□□□□   □  ス□   □        □
□  研  □□□□□   □   □  研  ↑  □
□     □   □   □   □□□□□□□□□□
□□□  研□   □   □□           □
□ □研  □   □□□□ □           □
□ □   □   □□ □ □□□□□□□□□   □倉
□ □   □□□□□□ □ □   研   □   □
□ □   □   □□ □ □      倉□   □
□ □研 研□  研□□ □□□   研   □   □倉
□□□   □   □□   □□□□□□□□□   □
□     □□□□□□ 研             □
□  研  □   □□□□□   □□□□□□□□□□
□□□□□□□   □       □        □
□     □   □       □        □
□     □□□□□       □        □倉
□     □   □       □  倉   倉 □
□     □   □       □□□□□□□□□□□□
□     □   □       □    ↑     □
□     □□□□□□□□□□□□□          □
□     □                      □
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□        モ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□


□□□□□□□□ □           □□□□□□□□□
□      □ □           □   □   □
□      □ □ 研  モ  研   □   □   □
□  ↓   □ □□□□□□□□□□□□□   □□□□□
□□□□□□□□                     □
□    □ □                ↓    □
□ □  □ □             □□□□□□□□□
□ □モ □ □ □□□□□□□□□□□ □     □
□ □  □ □ □    □    □ □     □
□ □  □ □ □    □    □ □  □  □
□ □□□□ □ □  □□□□□  □ □  □研 □
□      □ □研 □   □  □ □  □  □
□□□□□□□□ □  □   □ 研□ □  □□□□
         □  □□□□□  □ □
□□□□□□□□ □    ★    □ □
□ 研  研 □ □         □ □□□□□□□□□
□      □ □□□□□ □□□□□         □
□      □    □        □□□□□□□ □
□ 研  研 □    □   □□□□□□     □ □
□□□□□□□□□□  □   □    □     □ □
□ 研  研   □  □   □    □□□□□□□ □
□        □□□□   □ モ    ↓   □ □
□        □      □□□□□     □□ □
□        □                   □
□   □    □
□   □   研□
□   □研   □
□   □    □  倉  倉  倉  倉  倉  倉
Here for your preparation before the game finished. There are no any awsome picture when you beat it. At the end, the story just use some simple dialogue to explain the result. 

I hope here could be help, who has over the years forgotten the project.

As above the original article is tradition Chinese version translated from Google. You are welcome to point out the mistakes in English writing. Thank you!

KONAMI’s Shooting game collection.

This was the deep image to the childhood, which must guarantee are the funny games. From NES to SNES, this developer can made the game run very great in the slow of hardware. I think there are the programmers with the special skill in writing of the games.

Here does not introduce the best games ever released. Over the years, you may miss some games form this company.

This site recorded all the history:
This has recorded all the shooting game from KONAMI during 1979 - 1997. I believe that no one would played all of its. I suggest players can use MAME to play or copy the game name to the youtube for fun.

Exactly, today the 2D shooting games has already unpopular. This is a good subject to remind.

Inside the page recorded any series game in a history table. 

In the top page, I do not find any good for introduce. I think this website is keeping update with improving. 

★ As above the original article is tradition Chinese version translated from Google. You are welcome to point out the mistakes in English writing. Thank you!


2012 Review : SEGA MEGA CD

Although I am busy during this period, I often looking for some funny from my PC. Today, the Intel CORE i3 CPU can able to run all the 80-90s games with perfectly.

As per topic, here is going to discuss for SEGA CD ROM.

Here does not use the technology data to explain this console, because I am not understand such knowledge.

Purpose for the market:
Absolutely,  this is counter for Super Nintendo. However, the CD cost was high where made in Japan, it resulted the price was too expensive to consumers.  The good games also not much on it, because lack of good developers.

Function attached:
The rotating with zoom function can help for make 3D game. Game background can output from CD audio. This was very high grade at the old time. However, the sound effect still using the old sound card, and the  picture output still in 64 color.

The competitor of Super Nintendo can made the similar games to fulfill the market demand with lower cost. Its can able to show 256 color and inside the independent sound card can output great effect. The addition chip in the cassette also can help for run 3D game.

Inside the CPU from SEGA console is the faster one, but other points are relatively poor. In the 3D function, the host up and down seem work independent. There are no any strengthen to the games itself, the only different is the background use CD audio.

(As above, It is more easy to understand rather than technology figures)

Games Introduction:(The names changed color are suggest to play. If you found some game no recored as below which too rubbish with no value to play.)

Ultraverse Prime
Time Gal
Spider-Man vs. Kingpin
Cyborg 009
Sonic CD
Popful Mail
Ninja Warriors
Mickey Mania
Final Fight CD
Earnest Evans
Dungeon Explorer
Demolition Man
Batman Returns
Annet Futatabi
5 in 1 Sega Arcade Classics
3 Ninjas Kick Back
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco - The Tides Of Time
Earthworm Jim - Special Edition

SONIC CD is a must to play. Final Fight CD is the highest level of immigration version by internet assessment. Today, it still feel quite smooth for play. Devastator is the half-action with semi-shooting game. Batman Returns show the 3D shooting is excellent. About the 5 in 1 Sega Arcade Classics, this is no any different with the cassette version. Many of action games are garbage or not interesting for now, even don't understand why did the simply game use CD-ROM as storage. Some games also published in Super Nintendo.

AH-3 Thunderstrike
Stellar Fire
Star Blade
Soul Star
Robo Aleste
Road Avenger
Night Striker
Lords of Thunder
Keio Flying Squadron
Cobra Command
Cadilacs and Dinosaurs
Android Assault
After Burner III
Adventures of Batman & Robin

The best shooting game is Robo Aleste and Android Assault, others trend to spare as rubbish. It is a freak period of CD-ROM games,  which some of the games only display films to interaction with player, like Road Avenger.

Illusion City
Dark Wizard
Cosmic Fantasy
Aisle Lord
Mahou no Shoujo - Silky Lip

Here just record some famous RPG. Developers only focus on insertion of animation, but ignore the gameplay. Overall, the battle screen is very sloppy. On the contrary, the Super Nintendo of Final Fantasy series, which is most concern the gameplay.

Jaguar XJ220
Formula 1 World Championship
F1 Circus

No one is good enough for today. I am strange with no 3D function on racing game. That's why I think the CD-ROM seem couldn't able to cope with the host. All the racing game almost are rubbish.

Heavy Nova
Fatal Fury Special
Eternal Champions
Black Hole Assault
Battle Fantasy
Samurai Shodown

The best one is Fatal Fury Special, but not quite different with the version in Super Nintendo. I recommend play the original version of SNK.

Space Adventure Cobra 
Snatcher (It is said that only SEGA CD with English version)
Masked Rider
Jurassic Park
Detonator Orgun

The first 2 AVG games are quite good, but today those has been out of fashion.

TAB [戰略]
三國志 (Three Kindoms)
Sim Earth - The Living Planet
Shing Force CD
Record of Lodoss War (羅德島戰記)
Racing Aces
Heroic Legend of Arslan

I don't know how to play Three Kingdoms. Shing Force CD is the better one, but the battle screen is boring for nowadays, and seem no need to released in CD.

Above has already record most of the games with total 10G capacity.  Generally, most game list is sort by prefix from the network. In fact, the games sort by type would be more convenient.

Download Suggestion:
Type the "Game name + SEGA CD" in Youtube for preview the game first. When you think which  is interesting, then type the "Game name + SEGA CD Download" in the Google. You will find a lot of download points. The most famous website is CoolRom. There are no any impact benefit with the developers. If you conscience sorry, just delete the files after played. It's just like ask a friend borrowed the games, and you are not formally held by the entity of these.

"FUSION 364" is the best! Please select PERFECT SYNC and HIGH PRIORITY in option. The SEGA CD page in Set Confit will request for USA BIOS or JAP BIOS etc. Just download the file from this http://emu-russia.net/en/files/bios/scd/。Then the emulator will be run smoothly.

One of shooting game - Silpheed, most download are less "cue" file after unzip. This is main problem for the game cannot run normally. Just use the free software "SegaCueMaker.zip" to create the "cue" file will help for solve.

Nowadays, you can get all of them from your strong PC, whether the old time that you may not afford to pay. Also, you can search for the package cover from SEGA Club. If some games out of this website, you can type Cover / Back + Game name in the google by image search. 

Most games are disappointing from in MEGA CD. Some of the same games also released with Super Nintendo and selling as lower price. Meanwhile, some of MEGA CD games has been re-make as cart version. The different is deleted the animation with no CD Audio. Basically, the content in cart version is same. The last age of 16 Bit console, SEGA turn to back to focus on cassette development, and use the max performance to fight for Super Nintendo, like V.R. Racing etc. That's funny of cassette can able to better than the host with CD-ROM console. SEGA seem already walk on the wrong way in long time ago.

Tradition Chinese / English )

★ As above the original article is tradition Chinese version translated from Google. You are welcome to point out the mistakes in English writing. Thank you!